About intelligent solutions

Intelligent solutions can be described as a home technology management that serves to improve the life quality based on the increase of comfort and security along with the maximum energy savings.

With the intelligent KNX system you can easily control all of the functions in your home: lighting, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems, audio and video devices, blinds and shutters, alarms, security system, swimming pool, watering, entrances and all of the other technology you have.

It’s important to note that KNX is integrating every device separately which means that the system works normally in case of one device breakdown. This is not the case with other systems.

The installation of all of the solutions we offer is highly flexible and personalized. With KNX and TCP/IP standards we can connect all the electrical, electronic, multimedia and telecommunication systems in the building into a solution that enables the integration of existing devices and the ones acquired subsequently, regardless of the brand.